San Pedro Childrens Home is in constant need of essential day-to-day items from consumable goods, clothes and amenities.We also welcome toys and educational items that will help encourage a fun learning environment for the children.
A balikbayan box delivery to Davao is made every year from Melbourne Australia, but the SPCH are open to collecting goods donations all year round. But we strongly suggest people willing to donate to send balikbayan boxes themselves. Please contact us if you need assistance finding companies with their price comparisons with sending large boxes via cargo to the Philippines.
Monetary donations will soon be available direct via the website - any contribution from as little as $1 will be most welcome!
The SPCH Marketing Team are most happy to meet with any companies and other organisations who wish to be involved in our mission.
Partnership opportunities and affiliations will enable us to fund more charitable projects across the Davao region and ultimately, throughout the Philippines.
The SPCH team would be very grateful for your support simply through your prayers and by sharing our story with the people you know.
There is great power in spreading good news, and through your ongoing love, faith and belief in our cause, we will be able to continue to provide care for children who are the future of our world.
SPCH are open to providing on-the-ground volunteer opportunities for those wishing to visit the residence in Davao and work with the children. Simply send us an email expressing your interest!
how to donate items
We are currently needing sport items for kids after school activities i.e. helmets, sporting attires and shoes.
Another good idea is making ready to hand out packs of mini sewing kits, pencil cases, lunch boxes with all similar items so kids all get the same.
Please check our instagram page for some very cool gifts given to our kids.